Thirty-Nine Times Two

Be warned! This is a long post because we had a lot of fun.

Back in 2019 shortly after our purchase, we took a deep dive into our 39’s history and learned that she had been named Limerick before she became The Edge. There were numerous notebooks and folders stored on the boat with the name Limerick and Don Dahl. We became quite confused because there was a currently owned Kadey Krogen 39 also named Limerick and owned by Don Dahl. As we began the journey to bring our boat home to CT, Al reached out to this guy named Don Dahl (the wonders of both the internet and an excellent Krogen Cruisers database.) He and his wife Cindy had once owned The Edge, which was now our boat, and then they later bought another Kadey Krogen 39 and named it Limerick, again. If that isn’t testimony confirming what a fine boat the 39 is, I don’t know what would be. “This guy” turned out to be very gracious and helpful as we traveled northward, checking in with us and answering questions about the systems, etc. We stayed in touch (what better bond than having a boat in common?) through emails and texts, and then added FaceTime “happy hours” through the long winter pandemic months.

Limerick and crew planned to travel north to Long Island Sound to visit and cruise with family in this region. They added an extra leg eastward to Shennecossett Yacht Club to visit us. We were going to meet in person!

Limerick entering SYC after picking up Al at the fuel dock. Great concierge service here. 😉👍
LOOK at this! We never dared hope that Limerick would be assigned a slip NEXT to us. Two Kadey Krogen 39s, side by side. People thought they were seeing double as they walked by on the docks.
Our first celebration – note the wine’s name. How could I resist a wine named “Line 39” to mark this special occasion of our “39’s”??
Al, Cindy, Don and me. Getting together in person is soooo much better than virtually.

Al decided to share his special swim platform cleansing method with Don. That implies that the platform needed cleansing which all agreed it did. Southern boats often develop that yellow tinge. On the bow we call it “ICW Smile.”

Al continues that special concierge service with a cleaning of the Limerick’s platform.
Of course we had to introduce Don and Cindy to Shenny’s pet stripers. Those fish do love chunks of hot dog!

It was cloudy and humid when our boats left SYC, not a particularly promising start to our time with Limerick.

Limerick following behind us on our way to Napatree.

It is not often one sees such a large motoryacht in Fishers Island Sound. This isn’t Newport or Sag Harbor, but there it was, just off our starboard side.

Freedom, 229 feet long with a beam of 41 feet. She was built in 2000 and refitted in 2015. You can charter this yacht for $500,000 per week on CharterWorld. I kid you not. We will continue cruising on our KK39.
Right after that sighting of Freedom, we passed some smaller boats out for a paddle. 😉
I could see Limerick behind us as we entered the channel to Napatree.

Happily, the weather improved after we anchored and we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon. Except for Al. Ever vigilant as he surveys the anchorage around him, he spied a paddle boarder who appeared to be in trouble.

When Al reached the woman and young girl, she gratefully accepted his offer of a tow back to the boat she was visiting. The current and wind were taking her out farther and farther and she was not able to paddle back. Good job, Al!!
You are a hero. 😍

After dinner on Kindred Spirit, Napatree did not disappoint our guests. She turned on the light show as the sun set.

Just after the sun set.
Limerick bathed in the pink glow of the setting sun.
Good Night, Napatree.
Good Night, Watch Hill.

Blue skies replaced the clouds and Monday was bright and sunny. The Sunday crowds were gone and the anchorage was much quieter. We dinghied into Watch Hill to show Don and Cindy this little upscale beach town.

A few highlights, some of our favorites —

The dinghies took us closer to Aphrodite and Miss Asia to give Don and Cindy a look at these two Watch Hill classics.
The Watch Hill Yacht Club
Watch Hill Yacht Club’s beach cabanas, rebuilt after Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

“The Watch Hill Merry-Go-Round or Carousel was made in 1867 by Andrew Christian and the Charles W.F. Dare Co. of New York City. Legend has it that a traveling carnival brought the carousel to Watch Hill in 1883 and for some unknown reason abandoned it. It is said to be the oldest continuously operating carousel in the United States. This treasure has survived disasters for over 135 years including the 1938 Hurricane’s devastating affects on Watch Hill, Rhode Island.” ~~from the website MerryGoRoundBeach

This is one of the fastest carousels I have ever seen. It is not a conventional, up and down in one place merry-go-round.
Up the hill and around, the gorgeous Ocean House comes into view. (Did I remember to mention this was an upscale place???)
Back into town and a view of the harbor. Curving rows of hydrangeas surround the waterfront park.
Don and Cindy repeatedly expressed how much they enjoyed Watch Hill and Napatree and what a wonderful place it was to have so nearby. Sometimes it is quite nice to see one of your favorite places through someone else’s eyes.
There in the distance is Kindred Spirit, in full sunshade regalia.

There was even more fun to come. Mary Jo and Dean arrived in the Napatree anchorage and joined the beach tour that afternoon. Later on, everyone gathered for dinner on Limerick.

Don grilled the chicken, everyone provided delicious side dishes…. and dessert was a trio of very special treats from Sift, the bakery in Watch Hill and Mystic. Yummy!
Are we having too much fun? Nah…..!

Our final morning in Watch Hill was another warm and sunny one. All six of us walked the beach…. correction there. The guys stood and talked on the beach, Mary Jo and Cindy walked along the beach, and I started with them and then switched to the water for my walk.

In the ocean on June 29. water temperature in the mid to high 60’s. Surprisingly, it really didn’t feel too bad.
One of the promises for this Connecticut/Rhode Island mini-cruise was ICE CREAM. Back into town for scoops at St. Claire’s Annex!

We left Napatree and Watch Hill behind and headed to Stonington, for dinner at the DogWatch. Thanks for the photos, Mary Jo!

Circling and cleaning off the sticky mud on the anchor.
Off we both go.
Now here was something new and much needed. A new green can #21 was added to the channel to mark those rocks that jut out from land. It was not there two days earlier when we arrived.
A delicious dinner at the DogWatch Cafe, followed by ice cream.
We walked around Stonington (needed to walk off the dinner and ice cream). The flowers at the Dog Watch and around town were stunning. These are only two.

There aren’t any other Kadey Krogen 39s in our homeport region, so having two of us out and about was pretty special (and fun.) Much to our surprise we spied another 39 right in Stonington harbor.

Returning to our boats after dinner, we stopped by and introduced ourselves to Fritz and Rachel on Selkie. THREE Kadey Krogen 39s in one harbor. Pretty cool.

A wonderful time came to an end, but we all look forward to spending time together on the water some day in the future. Don sent us two amazing photos of Kindred Spirit at sunset.

Kindred Spirit
Knowing how much I love my round galley porthole, Don snapped this photo of Kindred Spirit from his round porthole.

We awoke to another lovely, but warm, morning in Stonington.

Drinking my morning coffee and enjoying this view.

And then it was time to wave good bye and wish our new friends bon voyage and safe travels.

Limerick begins her journey west back towards the other end of Long Island Sound.

Al and I stayed in Stonington for the rest of the day, playing in the dinghy and the water.

The other end of the Stonington breakwater is open but is not an entrance to the harbor. We dinghied through and around and there are many large rocks just below the surface.
Yes, I went into the water again. 68 degrees is chilly but bearable. It’s my chance to go without my compression and exercise my legs. But look how pale and white they are – they never see the light of day. 🙄
I have to say it again. She is such a pretty boat.
Heading back to SYC.

Thirty-nine times two equals more than seventy-eight. 39 x 2 = ∞ Infinite hours of fun and camaraderie. Thanks for coming out to meet us in person, Limerick, Don and Cindy.

3 Responses

  1. The WD-70 – Kindred Spirit

    […] to July 2021 when we met Don and Cindy in person – Thirty Nine Times Two. After our 3-4 days together at Watch Hill last summer, we all decided we needed an extended […]

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