Good-Bye Maine, Homeward Bound

posted in: Maine | 0

We left Isle of Shoals at 7:00 am on Saturday morning for a run of 46 nautical miles to Scituate, Massachusetts. It was a day with not much to photograph as we traveled back to Scituate, Massachusetts our first repeat … Continued

Blueberry Muffins in Harpswell, Maine

posted in: Maine | 3

Wednesday, August 11, was another overcast and foggy morning when we departed Boothbay. Foggy enough to have the radar on and ready, but with enough visibility to see. Approximately one mile from Boothbay Harbor, we could see the Burnt Island Light. … Continued

The Magic of Monhegan Island

posted in: Maine | 2

Monhegan Island is a small rocky island (no surprise there if it is in Maine) that lies miles from the nearest mainland and is barely a square mile in area. Named from the Algonquin word for “out-to-sea island,” it was … Continued

Clouds Over Boothbay Harbor

posted in: Maine | 1

Once again we departed under a cloudy sky. The good news was the flat seas, the not-so-good was the overcast skies. Coming from the east through Fisherman’s Island Passage to head up into Boothbay, we passed Ram Island Lighthouse, built in … Continued

Pulpit Harbor, North Haven

posted in: Maine | 0

There are just too many options here in Maine, too many islands, too many harbors! We did not have time to see everything so we had to pick and choose, sometimes blindly, even after conversations with people and lots of … Continued

Celebrating 27 Years on McGlathery Island

posted in: Maine | 0

We repeatedly heard of two places that are special stops on a Maine cruise, McGlathery Island and Pulpit Harbor, and both were easy stops on our homeward bound route. We were ready for a quiet anchorage and decided McGlathery Island … Continued