3 Weeks, 4 Islands, 6 Harbors – Cuttyhunk

Cuttyhunk is a small island of 580 acres and a population of 52 (2000 census). It is the last island in the Elizabeth Islands chain that extends southwest from the southern coast of Cape Cod.

Cuttyhunk has a funny shape. The inner harbor is packed with moorings and most of the buildings cluster around there. The small channel connects this harbor to the outer harbor. We anchor by the outer moorings (yellow star marks the general spot.)
Anchored – You can see the tops of the rocks of Pease Ledge just beyond our bow.

Lots of boats anchor out here but you need to watch your chart and use your eyes to avoid Pease Ledge. We had to warn off a sailboat that came charging in straight for the rocks. Yikes!

Pease Ledge, fore and aft. We are close, but not too close.
Pease Ledge at high tide and low tide
Cuttyhunk homes line the harbor.
The Coast Guard Station.
From the anchorage outside we have a view of the inner moorings.

We decided to spend the next day on Cuttyhunk, something we haven’t done in years.

I was first introduced to the island in 1996 when I was asked to help chaperone a group of 13-year-old boys, including my Adam, who had just graduated from middle school. His friend, Matt, was part of a large family who owned a home on the island. To celebrate the rite of passage from middle school to high school, Matt’s mother, Mary Jane, took the eight boys and 2 older girls to Cuttyhunk for a week. Mary Jane wanted another mother along to lend a hand and invited me. It was a great week. Adam and I have wonderful memories of that time. Once Al and I began to sail out that way, we would stop and visit the Parsons if they were on island. The old family home was sold years ago and we haven’t been there in a long time.

We dinghied to the town dock for our day visit.
We have fond memories of standing on this road trying to get cell phone service on our earlier trips here. 10-15 years ago, it wasn’t that easy to get a signal on an island. This spot was the only place you had a chance for a connection.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning so breakfast at the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club (1864), a bed and breakfast that sits on a hill and overlooks the water was on the to-do list.

The walk took us up the hill past the lily pads.
The garden decor and planters on the lawn. Gotta love the quirky humor. Bed and breakfast theme? I think the breakfast part was missed.
Al strides up the hill to the Fishing Club, eager for a big breakfast.
Breakfast is served on the porch.
What a view that morning!

After that hearty breakfast, we went for a walk and tried to find the path up to Lookout Hill. Our memories didn’t fail us and we walked the 150-plus feet up to the highest point on Cuutyhunk for the 360 degree view. To get to the Lookout, you turn off the residential streets (path?) and follow a road with stone walls on both sides up as high as you can.

The view from the road up to The Lookout.
The Lookout
Looking east – A view of the harbor. The red arrow points to Kindred Spirit.
A closer look at Kindred Spirit. Hooefully, no arrow is necessary.
Looking northward
Looking towards the southwest
Looking west

On our way back down the road, we saw a woman who had driven to this highest point to make a call on her cell phone. I guess there are still connection challenges.

At the base of the road is a cluster of public buildings.

We both remembered attending a service in this sweet little church.
Gosnold Town Hall. Looks like someone is getting ready for a tag sale?
Museum of the Elizabeth Islands. It wasn’t open on this Sunday morning, but we have had the opportunity to visit inside.

As part of our self-guided mini-tour around Cuttyhunk, we wanted to revisit a few more memories, especially the Parson’s House, IF we could find it!

Cuttyhunk’s only grocery store. We remember when it was in the basement of a house!
The Post Office. We were pretty sure that this little road/path would lead to the Parson’s House.
We found it! Just as we remembered – the Parson’s House. Such good memories!

On the final stretch back to the harbor, there is another restaurant with picnic tables covered in bright red cloths lined up on a shelled driveway, next to a frog pond.

“Sopranos” – Pizza and seafood
Outside of Sopranos, Al could not resist the chance to hang with the Blues Brothers. Looking cool, dude. Where are the brothers’ shades?

Back to the docks and harbor…….

Three little eateries just before the docks. None were open this morning. 🙁
The docks in Cuttyhunk harbor.
The ferry, M/V Cuttyhunk. It looks a little bit bigger than the old “Alert”.
Back in 1996, the eight 14-year old boys loved to jump off the dock here.
An afternoon beach walk. The sea glass was more plentiful years ago, but we found a few pieces and some colorful stones.
One last chore. A dinghy line from the davits dropped onto the swim platform and then into the water. The line cutter on the prop cut the line, but Al had to go into the water for a final check and removal. Rookie error.
The sun set on a very full and fine day on Cuttyhunk.






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