2nd Annual Milford Trip

posted in: Family and Friends | 3

We were finally ready for some longer cruising time. Late August is a late start for us, but the bonus is that the crowds should lessen in September and the temperatures should be cooler. On August 21st, we headed west to begin our eastward cruise, a backwards beginning for a very good reason. Last year was so much fun that Al promised Caleb and Ceci that we would bring the boat to Milford again (Milford Mania).

We left Shennecossett passing by Ledge Light and the ferry traffic in New London harbor. It was a shorter trip than last year because we had the current with us, 5.5 hours for the 42 nautical miles.
The fish were jumping around the boat so Al actually got out the pole and tried for a little while.

We anchored between Milford and Charles Island for the night. After bath time, Ryan, Kerri Caleb and Ceci came to the shore to wave good night to us.

We couldn’t quite see them in the distance so they sent us a photo with our boat in the background, circled.
The sky above Milford and the Milford shoreline.
The Milford shoreline in the morning.
Milford Lisman Landing Marina is a fine place for a stop with the town of Milford right at your transom, just a few steps away. Great dock help, manager, facilities, and very well-kept. Did I mention that Scotty Doo’s is ice cream is right there?
Fun at the dock, feeding ducks and swans, and fishing.
After ice cream at Scoopy Doo’s, washed up and pajama on, we settled in for movie night. The kids requested a 1980’s movie because they are “cool.” Remember “The Goonies”?
Morning engine room check with Papa. This year, Papa had Caleb do the transmission oil check. Ceci watched Pap check the engine oil. Then a check of the fuel level in the tank.
I decided a needed a walk and left Papa and the kids on the boat. From across the water on the opposite dock I look over at Kindred Spirit and saw…… whaaatttt????? Kindred Spirit is once again a boatnasium. Caleb tied a rope on the flybridge and was using it to climb up from the outside deck. A quick text to Papa – “Are you watching them??”  Papa gave them rope tying lessons and these are the things they do!
Caleb made a swing by tying a line around the bars on the flybridge at the hatch. I guess his knots are getting pretty good. Monkeys, monkeys on board.

Mother and Father arrived for a day out to Charles Island. At least there were four more eyes to watch these two monkeys. I do have to admit that they are very agile and able, and never ask for a screen to pass the time.

Kerri and Ceci kayaking

Kerri and Ceci go kayaking. We keep a rope tied between them so that no one gets swept away. It works pretty well.
Then Caleb went off with Mom……. pretty far out!

Dinghy driving lessons again, the most requested activity.

Ceci on the tiller.
Caleb’s turn.

Limerick arrived, making the trip from Sea Cliff to Milford to join us for the eastward cruising together. It seems we were having so much fun that I forgot to take pictures. Or, it could be that my heart was in my throat watching the two monkeys leap and climb between the rafted boats. I guess I need to relax because they were quite careful and able.

Kindred Spirit and Limerick returned to Milford Landing for the night on the long dock across the water. What a pretty sight those two boats are.
A good night wave to Mom and Dad from the cockpit.

Caleb and Ceci slept overnight on the boat again, thrilled that they got TWO nights. Papa made a lee cloth for the pilot house berth so that they could each have their own bed this year.

One the salon and one in the pilot house berth. I am pleased to say that they took turns so each could try out the berth.
Morning coffee and hot cocoa – it was chilly!

3 Responses

  1. Ellen Seltzer

    what a wonderful family vacation…i even knew most of the places! so glad you had a great time with the kids. xo

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