July arrived with much of the same – humid and hot days interspersed with rain and flooding. I am chagrined to report that we never left Fishers Island Sound for yet another month.
We had promised the grandchildren a “cousins sleepover” at the house to make stepping stones. What does one do with all of the beach combing treasures collected over decades? It was a really fun activity for all of us and a wonderful way to use some of “collections” in our basement.

TaDa! Now to wait for the concrete to dry.
Another visit to Napatree in July.

The severe flooding this summer brought numerous logs and debris into the rivers and even Long Island Sound. We kept an eye out for floating logs whenever we were underway, but there were a couple of unique ones on Napatree beach.

“Secret to Life” 4-9-20__?
The heart – “More Forever” 2-9-21?
Carving – “LINDA ST__?” 2-9-17
Time for another family visit before July ended. Our Milford crew came to Shennecossett for a boating day.

The favorite part of the day was the dinghy, of course.

But learning to drive the dinghy has become the most requested boating activity. Papa has limitless patience as he spends hours in the dinghy with the them.

The day after their visit we finally left Fishers Island Sound to spend a few days in Coecles Harbor on Long Island, a very quiet place, good for just relaxing. A blog post last summer included a lot about Coecles so there is no need for it this time.

The moon was beautiful and full that night. It would have been a perfect time for an overnight trip.

For our last day of this little excursion, we hopped back to West Harbor to meet up with Dan and Marcia on Cutting Class.

Addie won’t get to visit Kindred Spirit again this summer because they have a new addition to their family – Winston, an adorable miniature Schnauzer.

July slipped into August and our 29th wedding anniversary. We decided to eat at our one of our favorite places, Ford’s Lobsters in Noank, a completely outdoor spot right on the Mystic River. It was an hour wait but I had a yearning for their delicious mussels and didn’t mind. Sadly, when we were seated, they were out of them! We have never had a bad meal at Ford’s so…..

Ellen Seltzer
what wonderful pictures…it felt like i was there too! thanks so much for sharing and happy anniversary!