Here and There

We have been spending time at home for assorted medical appointments and time on the boat for assorted projects. Back and forth, back and forth, here and there. Time at the dock has been gratefully interrupted by little voyages out and about. I’ll say it again, sometimes it does not matter where we are, just that we are out on the water.

We started out towards Napatree in the late afternoon, only to see increasing fog hanging over Watch Hill and Napatree, obscuring it from view. We decided there was no reason to stress ourselves traveling through that channel in low visibility. We ducked into Stonington Harbor and anchored there for the night.

The next morning was bright and sunny so we continued on to Napatree.

Coming around Sandy Point into the channel that leads to the anchorage. Even after 25 years of going in and out of here, we still pause and check the markers for changes., and watch the depth.
Anchored. Yes, the fog rolled back in and out for a bit.
Fluffy white clouds decided to chase away any threat of steamy fog.
No better way to celebrate a first visit to Napatree than with Mary Jo and Dean.
Dinner was followed by a game of Setback.
Watch Hill sure does know how to do a sunset.

Walking the beach at Napatree is one of our favorite things to do, especially during the week early in the season without the crowds. That isn’t as easy for me to do as it once was. It’s not the walking; it is the getting in and out of the dinghy without ruining the custom compression garments I have to wear for the lymphedema.

Solution – I wore my yellow rubber Croc boots to keep the compression garments dry. Does this count as “where there is a will, there is a way?”

There were new large pieces of driftwood along the beach, all very bleached.

Looks like a mythical creature buried by the sand.

Watching the osprey —

Sitting among the rocks at the farthest end is peaceful. Every time I sit here, i think abut the houses and people who lived along this long sandy stretch of land before the 1938 hurricane. All gone.

This photo does not do justice. As we neared our home port, the water ahead of us was filled with racing sailboats. As a former racer, Al was able to maneuver us through the competition without interfering with any of the boats’ headings.

It hasn’t been all play. Al always has a project (or two or three) in the works.

Working hard on getting those cabin sides to look really, really good. It all began with fiberglass repair which led to color matching for the paint – “white” comes in so many shades! With perseverance, Al finally derived a formulas for a pretty darn good match.

Al is always in demand around the club, hoping with one project or another. He enjoys helping friends out with boating projects or problems. If it’s about a boat, he’s there.

Al has mentored Marcia through her dinghy chaps project. He is very proud of his student – those chaps are incredible! Great job, Marcia!, Dan and I played a major role as supervisors.
In case anyone thinks I don’t work on the boat, here I am polishing the stainless.

Another little trip took us back to Ram Island to anchor on the east side. Again, early in the season and during the week meant we had the little anchorage to ourselves overnight.

A Wednesday evening meant sailboat racing. We could just see the spinnakers over the thin spit of Ram island.

The anchorage is surrounded by rocky edges along the northern side.

It felt great to kayak again! I had little trouble getting into and out of it this year.
We only had my kayak onboard so Al borrowed it for a little cruise of his own.

Time to head back to the dock after a few days. We took the inside route around the north of Ram island and out the mouth of the Mystic River.

These two little rocky islands are just off of Ram island.
Three little cottages, each n its own rocky “island”. I wonder what it is like to have a place like that?
Beautiful ride home. It’s just nice to be out and about, here and there.

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