A Four Star Day

It’s no secret that the weather this winter here in the Bahamas is not up to the standard we experienced during our first trip. Too windy, too cloudy, sometimes even too rainy. We haven’t been able to leave the harbor or snorkel for the last two weeks. 🙁  But we have been able to walk about town, bike, and visit with friends. And read…. and read.

Ahhh, but the weather forecast predicted a beautiful day for Saturday, January 16th, the only day for perhaps yet another week (really??) We needed to get out of town, even if only for one day. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Hope Town, but a change of scene would be so nice.

With Dan and Marcia onboard and their dinghy tied to Kindred Spirit, off we went to Man O’ War. Close enough for a day trip, but away and out of the harbor.

Leaving Hope Town harbor - just look at that totally blue sky!
Leaving Hope Town harbor – just look at that totally blue sky!
See you later, Elbow Reef Lighthouse!
See you later, Elbow Reef Lighthouse!
Dan and Al at the helm
Dan and Al at the helm. Dan gets a taste of trawler traveling.
We anchored in the little cove north of the main harbor. There is a great view of the Atlantic from that wooden shelter.
We anchored in this little cove north of the main harbor. There is a great view of the Atlantic from that wooden pavilion.

I have often photographed the pirate flag that flies on the little reef off Man O’War, and wondered about it.  Who puts it there? Who replaces it when it becomes all worn and tattered? Imagine my surprise to see a different flag flying today, for the first time. There has to be a story behind this.

Sure looks like the Swedish flag to me. Perhaps Magnus and Charlotte on Swede Dreams staked a claim?
Sure looks like the Swedish flag to me. Perhaps Magnus and Charlotte on Swede Dreams staked a claim?
Dan and Marcia off to hunt for lobsters.
Dan and Marcia off to search for lobsters, of course!

While Dan and Marcia went off to hunt for lobster, we took our dink in to walk around Man O’ War.

I don't recall ever noticing this before when we have walked around Man O'War. A 1862 cannon painted with Bahama flag colors, and recovered in 1949.
I don’t recall ever noticing this before when we have walked around Man O’War. An 1862, cannon painted with Bahama flag colors, and recovered in 1949.
Funny evergreens. When I first saw these in the islands, I didn't think they were real. They almost look like camouflaged cellular towers.
Funny evergreens. When I first saw these in the islands, I didn’t think they were real. They almost look like camouflaged cellular towers.
Dish -- Small enough to store on the boat, pretty enough to serve for parties
My new appetizer dish — small enough to store on the boat, pretty enough to serve for parties.

I was searching for a dish that another cruiser had brought to a happy hour, and found a similar one in a Joe’s Studio here on Man O’ War. I always prefer blues and greens, but the only one there was coral with a starfish motif. I liked it enough to get it!

Back to our boat, and it was time for a swim and snorkel.

A selfie on the transom before we dive into the water. Al's eyes aren't accustomed to this bright sunshine.
A selfie on the transom before we dive into the water. Al’s eyes aren’t accustomed to this bright sunshine.
Al found several starfish and brought them the surface for me to see.
Al found several starfish and brought them to the surface for me to see. After a photo op, the stars were gently returned to their underwater homes. 
The "star" theme for the day continued - A 4-STARfish day, indeed.
The “star” theme for the day continued – A 4-STARfish day, indeed.
We moved down to south Man O' War passage where things were calm but the current was moving very swiftly, out.
We moved down to south Man O’ War passage where things were calm but the current was moving very swiftly, out.
Marcia patiently waited for Dan while he searched for more lobsters, again with no luck.
Marcia patiently waited for Dan while he searched for more lobsters, again with no luck.
The four of us enjoyed drinks and snacks on the flybridge and watched the sun set. All in all, a 4-star day!
The four of us enjoyed drinks and snacks on the flybridge and watched the sun set.

All in all, a 4-star day, spending time under the calm blue skies. The day deserved 4 stars as the single best day in a two week time period. We heard that Sunday was bringing some very strong winds. It’s going to blow a houlie! And it did.

The winds blew fiercely under sunny skies for about 4 hours. The last hour brought the rains.
The winds blew fiercely under sunny skies for about 4 hours. I heard gusts of 58 reported. The last hour brought the rains. Click on the photo for an action view with sound.

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