Road Trip to Key West

posted in: Florida | 0

Key West is less than an hour’s drive from Big Pine Key, so Al and I decided to spend a little time there while we were visiting with Tim and Amanda. I have always wanted to see Key West, but I … Continued

Outdoors in the Keys

posted in: Family and Friends, Florida | 0

What does everyone wish for when they travel or vacation? Good weather. We didn’t have good weather, we had great weather. First on the list – beach time! We packed a picnic lunch and headed to nearby Bahia Honda State … Continued

The Keys to Florida

posted in: Family and Friends, Florida | 0

That title should really read “the Florida Keys.” Visiting the Keys is on my bucket list – time to check it off. Our timing was just right. Tim and Amanda are spending the months of December through March in the … Continued