Project List – DO, IN PROGRESS, DONE

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Most winters are crammed with boat projects but our little KK39 doesn’t need much more so Al had more free time on his hands.  If you read this blog, you will know that is not a good thing. History tells me that when he has watsonized a boat, it ends up on the “for sale” list.  🙄😳  Ahhh, but I am not really worried about that anymore.  What more could we possibly want than this Kadey Krogen 39??? AND, haven’t we reached an age when fewer projects/work is a good thing??

There is a plus side to a shorter list of boat projects – Our house got some attention this winter. Yeah! Nothing major, just attention.

Other houses benefited from Al’s “spare” time. Adam and Steph decided to finish off a part of their basement. Al served as the mentor/supervisor and taught Adam what to do as they worked together. They did the framing together, Al did the electrical work and the sheetrocking and taping were hired out.

After the sheet rocking was finished. Adam still has to paint, hang a ceiling, and do the flooring. He may be on his own now because boat season will soon be in full swing!

Al decided that Addie needed a special “nook” all her own under the stairs. Designed and built it in our basement and then installed it in their basement. My role is to sew four decorative pillows, Addie chose the fabrics (unicorns, butterflies and jelly fish) but they are on order and will have to wait until July for completion.

With no encouragement from anyone, Al decided that Addie needed her own little nook under the stairs. Before any of us could take breath, he was off and running with his idea, designing, building, and even sewing a cushion. I promised decorative pillows for her nook.

The biggest winter project was house hunting with my son Ryan. He and Kerri have lived in a one-bedroom apartment in Forest Hills, NYC for 20 years. The year(s) of COVID pushed them to their limits in that small space.The two children are quickly outgrowing their small bunkbed system in the foyer and they all want to be closer to family here in Connecticut. The timing was about as bad as it could be given the housing market over the past 6 months. Geeze! Unbelievable.  Al and I spent 8 Saturdays house-hunting with them, touring 26 different homes. Al, with his building background and talents, was critical to the long search process. I was critical as the babysitter. I really did enjoy spending time with those two grands every weekend although amusing them in a cold car is not at the top of my list for grandmother time. 

Caleb gave Papa a birthday card while we stopped for lunch on a house hunting day in March. Does he know his Papa or what? There’s always a boat drawn on the card for Papa!

After several discouraging months Ryan and Kerri finally found their new home. I won’t say anymore because I don’t want to jinx anything until the closing is past and they move in. It goes without saying that I am beyond thrilled and happy to soon have both of my sons in Connecticut.

Back to boat projects…….. As any boat owner will tell you, there is always something that needs to be repaired, replaced, or created.

Birthday gifts for Papa Al. I love the mug, but shouldn’t that boat key fob have “Nana’s Boat” on the flip side???
Al repurposed a framed Durham Fair poster as his “project list.” Notice how organized it is – DO, IN PROGRESS, DONE. Also notice how the only one I added (the pink post-it) is still in the “DO” column. Maybe next winter??

Winter is prime time for Al to sew, repairing canvas and creating new items.

The basement is chilly in the winter, but we still spend time together down there. How else will I get to see my husband if I don’t venture down there to my own sewing machine?
The covers on the flybridge cushions were in sad condition. Look at them now! VERY nice work, Captain Al. 😍
Last year we bought two deck chairs for the aft cockpit. Al dressed them up and made them even more comfortable with matching cushions. Please notice how the strap that holds the back cushion in windy conditions is perfectly matched to the stripes in the cushion.

In the past we have used a cooler on the bow deck to hold lines. It worked but was bulky, a little in the way, and the lines often got wet inside. Al decided to custom build his own bow box. This was his most extensive boat project of the winter.

After determining the dimensions needed (not too big, not too small, but just right) Al built a box of wood and foam that would then be covered in fiberglass.
Next step is to smooth the surface by fairing. The fiberglass can’t be seen because it is clear.
Sanded and then first coat of paint.
The finished box is moved upstairs to the dining area to finish drying in the warmer space.
In place on the bow and with a nice cushion on top. Dual purpose – storage and a nice seat on the bow!

At the end of last season, I began to worry about the state of our interior cushions. Although in reasonably decent condition for 18 years old, several needed repairs. Well, one thought leads to another and before I knew it, I was actually considering having all of the cushions reupholstered. This is not a small undertaking, financially. I tried to convince Al he could do it, because, well, of course he could, but alas, he did not want to spend the entire winter reupholstering 17 separate cushions. After exploring several options and assorted fabrics, I took the plunge and went all in. ULTRALEATHER!! Why the %&@* not? All the new Kadey Krogens have it and our little KK deserves the best. The cushions would need to be replaced sometime in the future so I would rather we enjoy it ourselves than do it for the next owner. Rationalizing? Yeah, maybe. We chose Custom Marine Canvas to do the job. After several meetings and conversations, I trusted that Katie and her crew were the best and that it would be a quality job. She idd offer Al a job if he wanted one.

The ultra leather looks amazing. From all reports it is “highly abrasion resistant, mold/mildew resistant, flame retardant, and easy to clean.”
We were also impressed by the careful labeling of each cushion!

That brings us up to date for winter and projects. Next is LAUNCHING!

  1. Kimberly

    I’m catching up on your posts. 🙂 Al is so incredibly handy – I am in awe. And your cushions look fantastic! Hope you’re having a great trip in MV. Kimberly

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