Delivery Trip – Home and Haul Out

posted in: Boating | 5

The last day of this “delivery,” the final 51 nautical miles from Port Jefferson to Shennecossett Yacht Club in Groton. Our spirits were high in spite of the fog and dreariness that faced us at 7:00 am.  

Viewing the Port Jefferson breakwater as we leave. Did I already mention that I love this round porthole in my galley??? 😊

I guess it’s a good thing that there were very few crazy boats out here with us. Autopilot, AIS and radar are our friends today. There were few opportunities for photographs along the way eastward on Long island Sound.

At 10:00 am there was a tiny glimmer of sunlight on the water, but alas it gave up quickly.
To relieve the sameness of our view, I satisfied our tummies and noses with cinnamon buns.

And so it went, uneventfully (which is good on a day like this), for 7.5 hours. By the time we had Avery Point in sight, it was lightly raining and still overcast.

A blurry wet view of the Avery Point lighthouse on the UCONN campus.

To say we were excited is to put that in mild terms. Our friends, Dean and Mary Jo, were waiting at the little lighthouse to take photos of our return as we passed in front on Ledge Light and then by Pine Island. This is the third time they have done this for us – first time was leaving for the Bahamas on the sailboat, second time was our delivery of the Mariner Orient, and now the third time for the delivery of The Edge. (Check out the banner photo at the top of the blog.)

Let the photographs speak for themselves —

A stop to wave.

Mary Jo and Dean next raced back to SYC to help us into the slip.

Backing The Edge into the slip. It was not easy to do. I was grateful for Dean’s helping hands.
All settled into the slip. Not too many boats are still in the water. Oh wait, it IS October 30th.
The last leg of the 7 days, 51 nautical miles (7.5 hours) down Long Island Sound from Port Jefferson to Shennecossett Yacht Club.

The delivery trip from Kilmarnock, Virginia to Groton, Connecticut covered 404 nautical miles, taking 57.5 hours over 78 days (6 days of travel and 1 stop for weather.) That means our average speed was 7 knots, although it ranged from 6 knots to a high of 13 knots through Hells Gate. 😳

Not only did Dean and Mary Jo take photos and help us into the slip, but they brought Prosecco and chocolate for celebration.

A toast to us! We did it!
And yes, a kiss from my Captain.
Good, good friends! A perfect way to end this adventure.
A moment to show off his standup engine room.

We secured the boat in the slip in preparation for a rainy and windy day and went home to REST. As Mary Marie said, (may I quote you?) “Does this mean you are no longer living on the edge?” Good one, Ems! 😄

Saturday was haul-out day. The day may have begun at 38 degrees but it warmed up to 50 with the bright sun and cloudless blue skies.

Before our afternoon haul out time, we had some prepping to do. One thing was to move the dinghy off of the flybridge using the boom/crane and electric winch. We didn’t do too badly for a first time, but it’s going to take practice to do it easily and efficiently.
On the lift and in the well.
The boat is taken over to the wash down area for an underside bath. By spring she will be renamed Kindred Spirit. The Edge is a fine name for Billy and Becky’s boat (their last name is Edge so it was perfect) but we will be staying with Kindred Spirit …….the fourth…….
Before the wash down, Al took a few minutes to spray the bow with lemon juice. The lemon juice if from a bottle of Real Lemon; nobody was going squeeze lemons. It works like a charm to quickly dissolve and remove the yellowish “mustache” that comes mostly from the ICW and southern waters. And it is environmentally friendly!
Well, look at this. Our former Mariner Orient and our new Kady Krogen will be hibernating over the winter together.

What an adventure this has been. Twenty-seven years ago, Al bought an abandoned sailboat at auction for $1200. During our 25 years of marriage, he gradually “watsonized” each of the successive four boats that came after that auction boat; and now he has the boat of his dreams, a Kady Krogen 39. Not bad, honey, not bad at all.

I don’t think anyone, not even me, could have predicted how quickly this would happen. Once we knew the Mariner Orient was sold (and would be in good hands), everything fell into place with lightening speed. I think we may very well be the only people to attend a Kady Krogen Rendezvous as “wannabes” and leave as “newbies.”

Who could have imagined we would find our Kady Krogen 39 while at the 30th Rendezvous?

This adventure would not be a complete story without the biggest, deepest, most heartfelt thanks to four dear friends. Anthony and Annette were there every step of the way, knowing when to be silent and when to cheer for us. Over the 7 days of our delivery journey, they were ready and eager for any phone call or text, and full of encouragement.

Dean and Mary Jo have always been there to welcome us home with open arms and Prosecco, when we return from months of cruising and when we return with a new boat. The photos they take are wonderful, but their friendship and smiling faces are even better.

Once in a while, we get these four together in the same place at the same time. Thank you all so much for being a part of our lives. We love you.

5 Responses

  1. Karen & Frank Ventrella

    Greetings Watson’s ! Was just reading your great story about your adventure bringing your new to you KK home. The more of your story I read I started thinking that I’m pretty sure we had met you a couple years ago. We were at Fishers Island on the mooring ball. We have a 1978 Grand Banks 36. You had shared with us that you researched Grand Banks in depth before purchasing the boat you had. Your lovely wife shared about your trip to the Bahama’s. I’m sure I have your information somewhere that you shared with us as I remember she had a blog of your adventures. Just wondering if you recall meeting and are the same people. Congrats on your KK….lovely boat !

  2. Gwynn Sterken

    You look so happy. How is it you never age? Congrats on your new boat. Hugs from Michigan. Gwynn

    • watsons

      Saltwater? Seriously, I’m aging just like all of us. But like you I refuse to recognize that fact.

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