Delivery Trip – Virginia to Maryland

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This isn’t going to be a cruising and relaxing trip. This is a delivery; get the boat and us home as fast and safely as we can. It is late October and there is no time for side trips and fun. I feel rusty, it’s been over 3 years since I have done any long day trips.

On Thursday morning (10/25/19) we slowly departed Chesapeake Boat Basin before dawn with just a little light at 6:40 am.  We went very slowly because I was at the helm while Al handle the lines off the dock. It is easier for him to leap aboard than it is for me. Can you believe it? The first time we move this boat anywhere and I am the one behind the wheel. Geez. It was crazy. So we went slowly for the first 20 minutes. 

Predawn departures are thrilling and beautiful.
A good beginning.
Al at the helm wearing his Kadey Krogen hat for good luck.

It was pretty choppy south of the Potomac River and we wondered if the stabilizers were actually working for the first two hours. After some investigation of the control panel and a study session with the TRAC manual, Al determined the problem and promptly corrected things. Once the stabilizers  were working, it felt much better, but by then we were past the Potomac and the seas settled down. 

Correcting the stabilizers. So much to learn!!! I’m really glad Al is such a good captain.

It became a beautiful day and we were like kids with a new toy, exploring and enjoying everything inside the boat as well as outside. We were also glad we had spent the time yesterday familiarizing ourselves with as much as we could.

Smith Point Light at the southern edge of the Potomac River. It was built in 1896 and the last lightkeepers left in 1971.
Nice view aft with a sparkle on the water.
The weather and conditions were so good we took our lunch up to the flybridge.
A perfect day to spend a little time on the flybridge.

We began the day intending to reach Solomons, about a 7-hour day, but everything was going so well that we decided we could push farther. We adjusted our goal and set course for an anchorage at the southern tip of Kent island. As we neared it, we realized we could make it all the way to Lake Ogleton, Annapolis where our friends Frank and Mary Marie live.

Another Chesapeake Bay lighthouse, but I don’t recall which one.
There were more BIG guys as we traveled north towards Annapolis.
I’ve always liked this lighthouse – Thomas Shoal Light.

Mary Marie and Frank were waiting to welcome us in Lake Ogleton. Frank in the kayak to hand us lines to the mooring and Mary Marie on the dock snapping photos. 

Careful there, Frank! You are very trusting that these new Krogen owners won’t run you over!
Frank and Al chat, boat to boat.
Good Night!
Mary Marie waving from the dock. Thank you for the first photos of us on our Kadey Krogen.
Our AIS track – The current helped us cover the 85 nautical miles in about 11 hours.

A very good first day. We are grateful.

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