Still trying to catch up…………
Our summer was destined to be one of mostly short trips. Al’s six immunotherapy treatments began on June 23rd and continued through July 28th, every Friday. By Sunday of each week he was ready to get going so we squeezed in trips to Watch Hill and Block Island between medical appointments and other commitments.
We never intended to go to Block Island, for July 4th. Been here, done that, and no longer wanted to be part of that crazy happening. The anchorage is insane and moorings are hard to come by during a holiday. But…………..Mary Jo and Dean said “come on over…..raft with us” Well……OK! They really didn’t have to work very hard to convince us. So much for our aversion to a Block Island 4th.
In contrast to the photos above, is this one below. Our friend snapped this from her boat in the mooring field. There we are, rafted to Jallao in the front row just off Champlins dock (plenty of loud music). You would never guess it is the same place. It looks so peaceful. I guess it is all about one’s perspective and angle. 😉
July 3rd was a day for the outdoors, especially on the water. Al got his clamming license ($10 for the season for senior citizens on the Block.) Such a deal!
If you go to Block for the Fourth of July, you might as well go all in. So we did.
If you are there on the Block, you also have to go to the parade. My memories of past parades were of a somewhat alcohol-infused strut, but I am pleased to say that Block has cleaned that image up. The parade was a nice small town event with lots of participation. And not too long.
Here are the obligatory pics of the parade —
Here is the bottom line for our BI 4th — I didn’t want to go and I am really glad we did.
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