Cruisers’ Thanksgiving in Vero Beach

posted in: Family and Friends, Florida | 4

It’s hard to be away from family during a holiday. Those are the special times we share, giving thanks for just being together, because that is what really matters. Our family, with four children and their spouses, plus step-families and in-laws may not have traditional holiday gatherings, but we always find ways to be together and celebrate during the season. This year is the first time we will not be with any family for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Thanksgiving morning (50 degrees out but sunny) Looking out over the Vero Beach mooring field
Thanksgiving morning (50 degrees out, but sunny) Looking out over the Vero Beach mooring field
Our 3 SYC boats rafted together
Our 3 SYC boats rafted together

Cruisers gather together here in Vero Beach and become ‘family” for the day. The CLODs sponsor and organize a Thanksgiving Day dinner for all boats that are staying here over the holiday. What is a CLOD? I had to ask that myself since I did not recognize it as a nautical term. A CLOD is a “Cruiser Living On Dirt.” 🙂 Remember when I wrote that Vero Beach is often called Velcro Beach because so many cruisers take up residence here when their cruising days are over? They are wonderful people who make this day special for those of us who are away from family by cooking turkeys and hams. Turkeys and hams just don’t fit inside most boat ovens.  All the boaters bring the side dishes. It was a very nice day.

A tag sale in the morning
A tag sale in the morning
The "parking lot" filling up with dinghies
The “parking lot” filling up with dinghies
Over 150 people gathered together for dinner
Over 150 people gathered together for CLOD-sponsored dinner
There was no shortage of delicious food!
There was no shortage of delicious food!
Cruisers filled the dining hall, the porches, and the patios
Cruisers filled the dining hall, the porches, and the patios
Cutting Class (Marcia and Dan) with us
Our Thanksgiving table with Marcia and Dan (Cutting Class)
There was no turkey in sight, but this white crane kept an eye on the festivities
There was no turkey in sight, but this white crane kept an eye on the festivities

4 Responses

  1. rick Butler


    Great job at letting the home folks know how your cruising life is evolving. You recently mused on how different cruisers are from others at parties and along the way–doesn’t matter what you used to do, how much wealth you have–just how well you live and socialize in your boat.

    My name for all that is that we cruisers are part of “The Non-Geographic Neighborhood.” The longer you are a part, the better the chance of coming into a new anchorage and already seeing well-known neighbors, and of meeting new ones. I know of no other lifestyle where it is not the status of where you live or who you WERE.. Instead, it is living as part of a moving, ever-changing non-geographic neighborhood of like minded people….

    All well in Beaufort, SC. The fall snowbird migration is long past, but I am still sailing in shirtsleeves in BUGLET! rick

  2. Tim Watson

    Nice Thanksgiving spread. We had a great one spent with new friends as well.

    There is a white crane that lives just outside our spot here at Lake Mead, but he is not as photogenic as yours.

  3. Anthony Baker

    We are completely jealous of the short sleeve shirts!!! Looks like a GREAT time. Hoping to see you both VERY soon. Be Safe Anthony & Annette

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