Beaufort and the SSCA Cruising Station on Ladys Island

posted in: South Carolina | 1

Remember when I dropped my camera back in Georgetown, South Carolina?? Sometimes things happen for a reason, you just don’t know the reason until much later, if ever.  I ordered a new camera through Amazon (thank you, Adam for the fast & free shipping!) and had it shipped to Beaufort, South Carolina (Note – This is Beaufort, SOUTH Carolina, not Beaufort NORTH, Carolina. This Beaufort is the one pronounced “Bew-fort” while the North Carolina one is pronounced “Bo-fort.”) Why Beaufort? I looked ahead to where we might be by the time a package could arrive in a location and cross-referenced that with the SSCA “Cruising Stations.” Your next question would be what is an SSCA Cruising Station? Cruising Station hosts are members who volunteer to serve as a contact and host for other members in a given location. They may offer information about a port and facilities, welcome you, provide local maps and guides, accept packages, and assist in locating things you might need. I contacted the Butlers in Beaufort (Ladys Island)  to ask if I could have the new camera sent to them. Not only did Rick say yes, but he also stayed in contact with us, gave wonderful advice on the route we would be taking, and offered his own dock as a place to stay.

If I had not dropped and broken my camera, we would never have contacted Rick and met both him and his lovely wife, Carol. Things do happen for a reason! The morning of our arrival, Rick was out sailing in his beetle cat and quickly hopped on his dock to help us tie up. And what a beautiful dock it is – teal colored! You know how I love my blues.

Kindred Spirit resting at the Butler's dock
Kindred Spirit resting at the Butler’s dock
It is long dock!
It is long dock!

Once we were settled in, we spent the afternoon cleaning Kindred Spirit. She was scrubbed outside and inside, the refrigerator was defrosted, the stainless was polished, and the teak was sealed again. Al found time to make a “wave stopper” to lessen the sound of the waves slapping against the transom.

Al and his "wave stopper"
Al and his “wave stopper”

Rick and Carol invited us for cocktails and conversation, and introduced us to their neighbors, Allan and Cathy, also cruisers and once lived in Farmington, CT. There’s that small world again!

Carol, Rick, Cathy, Allan, and Al
Carol, Rick, Cathy, Allan, and Al

Rick showed us the best, absolutely the best, grandchildren’s room that I have ever seen in my life. I wanted to be a child again just to spend time in it.  Al was totally captured by Rick’s  workmanship and creativity – from a  nautical perspective and carpenter’s  perspective.

A nautical space for the grandchildren  designed and built by Rick
A nautical space for the grandchildren designed and built by Rick
The study area
The study area
Every detail was a delight to behold
Every detail was a nautical delight to behold
Rick and Al discussing the fine points of the room
Rick and Al discussing the fine points of the room

The tides are very different here in the south, with a much greater range.  New London, CT’s tidal range is 3 feet, 1 inch, while Beaufort, South Carolina experiences a 6-8 foot tidal range. We were fascinated with Rick’s “finger” on the dock —

The finger pints to the tide's height
The finger points to the depth of the water below the dock.
~On the left, the water is LOW since the finger is pointing down just below 7 feet.
~ On the right, the water level is HIGH, with the finger pointing at 15 feet.

We spent Monday doing errands and picking up boat and provisioning items, as well as visiting Beaufort. Beaufort is a charming small city. Once again, this is southern town was the location for a few very famous films – Forrest Gump, The Big Chill, Prince of Tides. We enjoyed our afternoon in Beaufort very much.

Historic homes, Spanish moss hanging on the trees
Historic homes, Spanish moss hanging on the trees
Beaufort has an amazing waterfront park
Beaufort has an amazing waterfront park
I loved the oyster shells embedded in the concrete paths
I loved the oyster shells embedded in the concrete paths
Relaxing in the waterfront park
Relaxing in the waterfront park

And, of course, we found an ice cream parlor – Southern Sweets!

Yummy ice cream, really cute place
Yummy ice cream, really cute place
Beaufort has mermaids, too. I wonder if they are cousins of Norfolk's mermaids?
Beaufort has mermaids, too. I wonder if they are cousins of Norfolk’s mermaids?

Tuesday came and it was time to say goodbye to Rick and Carol, as well as Beaufort. We hope to visit again on our way north in the spring.

The view from the Butler's home
The view of the dock from the Butler’s home
A sunrise tellin, given to me by Rick. I will be looking for them in the Bahamas! Thank you, Rick. I will treasure this one.
A sunrise tellin, given to me by Rick. I will be looking for them in the Bahamas! Thank you, Rick. I will treasure this one.
We passed through Ladys Island swing bridge
We passed through Ladys Island swing bridge
Put up our sails after the fixed bridge
Put up our sails and continued on.

  1. Colleen Murphy

    Looks like your new camera is working quite well!! Beautiful pictures. They make me want to visit Beaufort.

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