The “guys” went on a road trip by sea. Al’s friend, Gil, needed a crew to help him take his 32 foot Catalina to Camden, Maine, where his wife, Judy, would then join them, by car. The crew of 3 (Gil, Al, and Walter) left SYC early on Monday, July 15th, the 2nd day of a 7-day heat wave here in Connecticut — high 90’s and humid every single day.
The first day of 10 hours of motoring brought them to Cuttyhunk Island.

Second day was a short one up Buzzards Bay to Onset. After a night in Onset to refuel, it was time for the Cape Cod Canal. Timing is everything in the Canal – catch the right current!
Leaving Onset was the beginning of the long leg – 33 hours. Once through the Canal and past Provincetown, the sails went up. The evening began calmly, but everything changed around 10:30 pm. The seas kicked up to 4 -8 feet, followed by thunder and lightening. There they were, on a small boat with a mast, the only tall thing around for miles. Al found it fascinating to watch the lightening strikes on the water, but was always conscious of just how dangerous this could turn out to be. Once the heavy rain began, the seas flattened, making things a little easier. That new foul weather jacket was put to good use.
There are no photos of the journey through the night. Morning came and so did calmer conditions. The sail boat in the distance was a happy sight – where did they come from and what was their night like?
The coastline of Maine appeared, as beautiful as people say it is.
The sights and sounds of Camden’s harbor —
Boats, boats, and more boats —
A few scenes from the town of Camden.

This was Al’s first overnight voyage, with rotating watches, and the additional challenge of some rough weather. He thoroughly enjoyed it. When is it my turn???? 🙂
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