Last Hurrah for Summer 2016

Wow, the end of summer came suddenly, or so it seemed. After 17 months in the water, Kindred Spirit would soon be hauled to hibernate through the New England winter. The  September weather was cooperating, so how could we resist one last little trip?? We managed to pack up again and depart three days after our return from Block.

We arrived at Napatree in the evening as it became a little foggy, anchoring near Jallao. We were treated to a colorful slide show over the waters.

Foggy silver grayness, but we are here at Napatree before the sun sets.
A foggy silver grayness blankets the anchorage, as we reach Napatree before the sun sets.
Just one hour later, the sky was brushed with a pale rosiness.
Just one hour later, the sky was brushed with a pale violet pinkness.
The pale rose deepened to reds and oranges.
The pale violet deepened to reds and oranges.
Still enjoying my coffee in the mornings, just dressing a bit more warmly.
Still enjoying my coffee in the mornings, just dressing a bit more warmly. Notice that I have a different mug for each of our favorite harbors???

We were only at Watch Hill for 3 days, but every evening presented an amazing array of colors during the sunset.

Trying the panorama setting on the camera.
Trying the panorama setting on the camera.

Mary Jo and I agreed to continue our September birthday celebrations (we are only 4 days apart.) Off to the Olympia Tea Room for happy hour cocktails, followed by ice cream at St. Claire’s.

Fancy drinks at the Olympia Tea Room!
Fancy drinks at the Olympia Tea Room!
Birthday girls with their guys.
Birthday girls with their guys.

September 22nd brought the first day of autumn. We managed to spend the last day of summer on the beach and the first day of fall. Not bad.

A bright yellow sun in a deep red-orange sky says good night to us.
A bright yellow sun in a deep red-orange sky says good night to us.
Al and Dean blow their conch horns for the sun's beautiful performance.
Al and Dean blow their conch horns for the sun’s beautiful performance.
The sun slips below the horizon, leaving a teasing hint of red behind.
The sun slips below the horizon, leaving a teasing hint of orange behind.

That was the last boating trip of the season. 🙁 On October 4th, Kindred Spirit was hauled and put on the hard. Al confirmed that a trawler is much easier to haul out than sailboat. No mast to unstep and store.

~ In the well of the travel lift. ~ Moved over for a bottom washing.
~ In the well of the travel lift.
~ Moved over for a bottom washing.
~ Moving the boat on the travel lift. ~ Settling into her winter home.
~ Moving the boat on the travel lift.

The hauling is finished and Kindred Spirit rests on her poppets. Unfortunately, there is no resting for Al yet. There is still much to be done to winterize the boat. Not to mention all the things that have been brought home for a thorough cleaning and storage.

Kindred Spirit's winter home at SYC
Kindred Spirit’s winter home at SYC

Kindred Spirit will spend her winter hibernation time at Shennecossett Yacht Club. Sweet dreams, little trawler.

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