I bet that title caught your attention! Thought I would throw in an equation for a change of pace.
Block Island (BI) is another favorite destination in New England. I have done other blog posts about Block (July 2013, August 2013, and September 2014), but this time I really didn’t take many pictures. However, there is one distinction about this trip to the Block – we spent no money!!! (Except for the fuel….. ) And we had fun — it can be done. All you need is to keep it simple and spend time with good friends who love the water and boating, too.
We decided to take a short trip to Block just before the July 4th holiday. Years ago we spent the 4th there, and although it is fun, we prefer not to be among the crowds in the Great Salt Pond and on the streets. It gets a little crazy. Cutting Class joined us and we were fortunate enough to use the SYC club mooring.
We spent our days on the beach, watching boats enter the Pond, walking, kayaking, swimming. Yes, swimming. Dan and I braved the chilly waters. It felt good!

Below – Scotch Beach – one of the nicest beaches around.
Here is the proof that I really did go swimming!
The guys thoroughly enjoyed their work time helping each other with projects that require two do-it-yourselfers.
A cloudy morning was spent walking into town, checking out what’s new and what’s not. I am still surprised that we managed to spend a couple hours there and never had ice cream. Too early in the day? That usually doesn’t stop Captain Al.

Evenings on the flybridge were the most fun. We all agreed that the flybridge is one cool place to have dinner.
Each evening as the sun set, three of us would pull out our conch horns and give it a go. Without a doubt, Dan is the best!
Alas, 3 days isn’t very long. We headed back to Connecticut to babysit for our youngest grandchild, and that is a very good reason to return home! 🙂
Kendra Alling
Hi, Just purchased an older 36′ trawler and live in Niantic. A lifetime of sailing and retirement is lead us to owning our first trawler. I ran across your blog and would love, when the time is right to chat as we will be renovating her through the winter and spring.
Anthony Baker
It looks lik you had a terrific time though I significantly concerned about Al, NO ice cream? ?? Something is seriously wrong!!!!