Another Birthday ….. On Block!

With a September birthday, we are almost always on the boat for it. For the day, and often for a whole week, at my request. September is a lovely month for boating. Fewer boats and people and some of the best weather of the season.

Before our time on Block, we celebrated my birthday with family.
And that is more important than anything else.
A beautiful sparkling day. We can see Block ahead.
We rafted with our friends Patrice and George on Our Nest on the Shennecossett mooring. Honestly, I cannot remember when we last used the SYC club mooring here. It’s been years.
Eight of us got together for lunch at The Oar, representing four Shenny boats – Kindred Spirit, Our Nest, Callao, and Gale Warning.
Al took advantage of the rafting to work on his ongoing paint project. Standing on Our Nest gave him the perfect position for reaching the areas. Don’t worry, George &
Patrice! He did not get any paint on Our Nest.
It is September so I was sporting my “teal toes” in honor of ovarian cancer awareness month. T.E.A.L. = Take Early Action and Live. I am living proof of that. My cancer was caught in the early stages 13 years ago.
I opened my birthday gift from my sister, Lisa. A charming sea glass tree for our Christmas tree. For years, we have exchanged this silver ball, sending it back and forth for each other’s birthday. The challenge is to find something special that fits inside.
Our own little Shennecossett rendezvous.

One of my birthday wishes was to have a s’mores campfire on the beach. We invited everyone to join us and met on the Coast Guard Beach at sundown.

Moon over the Coast Guard station with geese in formation in the sky.
Dean and Mary Jo joined us first and we all quickly discovered that the tiny sundown bugs were out in force. Ugh! We made a quick call to George and Patrice to get bug spray from our boat.
We used one of our Radiant portable fires in a can again. I have to say it’s a pretty nifty thing.
LeeAnn with her camera and timer took a photo of all eight of us around the campfire.
It was a fun time and something different to do. Thanks for indulging me, everyone!

After three days on the club mooring (club rule), you have to move off. Patrice and George took a town mooring and we opted to anchor over in the shallow area. Plenty of space to choose a good location this week.

We anchored in six feet of water. Shallow but fine with our 4-foot draft. Look how clear the water was!!! We could see the anchor (top photo) and I could see my reflection over the side of the boat.
We saw a Morgan Center Cockpit, named Luckiest, farther out in the anchorage, very much like our old sailing Kindred Spirit. Always interested in saying hello to a fellow Morgan owner, we were even more encouraged to stop by and introduce ourselves when we saw they were flying a Kamala Harris flag. We see boats flying Trump flags so it was refreshing to see a Harris flag.

I have never engaged in political talk on my blog (although I am vocal elsewhere,) but I see no reason to hide the fact that we are Harris~Walz supporters. AND proud of it. This should be an obvious choice. There are no excuses or reasons for supporting Trump. None.

Your Vote = Your Voice
Use it!!!

This little dolphin was playing right there in the anchorage. We sat still in our dinghy just to watch him swim and surface.
We were blessed with beautiful weather. LeeAnn brought a birthday toast to the beach for us all to celebrate.
Perfect beach day! I was out in the water and could see everyone waving their hands at me. Was there a shark ??? Was I drifting out too far? The answer to those critical questions appeared to be no, so I ignored their waves. Turns out they just wanted to take a photo of me in the water.
So calm. So peaceful. I love Block Island in mid-September.

One of my birthday wishes was to have a Narragansett beer at The Oar, so Al and I stopped by there.

The Oar and the view of the anchorage.
As we sat in our Adirondack chairs enjoying the view and being together, this sea gull seriously stalked Al. I guess he has it figured out – The Oar is a great place for a bite, to eat.
Enjoying our ‘Gansetts and clam chowder. Perfect afternoon!

There’s nothing like celebrating a birthday for five days. 😉

3 Responses

  1. Ellen Seltzer

    okay i need to tell you that i really enjoyed this post…first of all, happy birthday in case i didn’t wish it in september and secondly, what a wonderful way to celebrate…family first, then on the boat with so many friends…the only negative were the bugs…yuck i don’t like being bitten but i loved all the places you went and all your great birthday “want”…keeping in line with getting older and enjoying life. continue to do so please and post on! xo

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