Good-bye New York City, Hello Hudson River

posted in: Hudson River | 2

The morning was so lovely, we just had to take more photos of our boats with Lady Liberty before we headed north into the Hudson River. You simply do not pass up an opportunity like this.

Magnolia with the Statue of Liberty.
Kindred Spirit with the lovely Lady of Liberty. Thank you, Anthony!

In my humble opinion there is no other more beautiful and meaningful statue in all of the United States.  Officially known as “The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World,” she was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886  and designated as a National Monument in 1924.
Hold your torch high, Lady Liberty. We will get through these times.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

 – Emma Lazarus

Need I say anymore?

We say good bye to her.

We usually turn east for our boating in the summer, so this is a new adventure in new waters for us.

Liberty State Park on the New Jersey side.
Ellis Island. My grandfather, at age 7,  arrived here with his family from Sicily.
Jersey City on the west side of the Hudson River has some pretty impressive buildings.
Skyscrapers under construction as we motored northward past the west side of Manhattan. Look at those cranes on top!
There on the Jersey side was a little red-and-white striped lighthouse nestled among the city buildings. I wasn’t able to find out anything about it, but it so reminded me of the Hope Town lighthouse.
Looking back, lower Manhattan on the left and Jersey City on the right.

The Hudson seemed busier than the East River. Ferries are zipping north and south and east and west transporting people in and out of the city.

Tried a panorama shot to capture more of the view.
The Carnival cruise ship “Horizon” at dock on the west side.
Not only massive cruise ships dock on the west side of Manhattan, but there was a marina with smaller recreational boats as well.

Ahead of us we could see the George Washington Bridge and shiny blue boat.

Hmmm, she looks BIG.

It was the yacht, Aviva, owned by Joe Lewis,  a British businessman; she is his third yacht of that name.  A few details: 322 feet with a beam of 56 feet. Aviva runs most comfortably at a zippy 16.5 knots, despite an official cruising speed of 14 knots. Just for comparison purposes, we cruse at our “zippy” 7.4 knots but we can push it to 9 knots for a short burst. Aviva can carry 16 guests in 8 staterooms with a crew of 25 in 11 cabins. Just for comparison purposes, Kindred Spirit carries her 2 passengers/crew in 2 cabins, with one unused. 😉

Side by side in the Hudson River, 38-foot Kindred Spirit and 322-foot Aviva. Wish I could have gotten a photo side-by-side!

We have never been under the George Washington Bridge, only on it, in crazy traffic! So much nicer down here on the water!

The infamous double-decker George Washington Bridge is just ahead.

Tucked under the east side of the bridge’s support, right near the water is a tiny “little red lighthouse” and that’s exactly what I called it. Googling later, I found that it really is known as the “little red light” and has a sweet story to go along.

“The Little Red Lighthouse,” officially known as Jeffrey’s Hook Light

The Little Red Lighthouse, officially Jeffrey’s Hook Light, is a small lighthouse located in Fort Washington Park on the Hudson River in New York City, under the George Washington Bridge. It was made famous by the 1942 children’s book The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge by Hildegarde Swift, illustrated by Lynd Ward. The lighthouse stands on Jeffrey’s Hook, a small point of land that supports the base of the eastern pier of the bridge. I think I may have to try and find that book (Note – I found a new 2003 edition on Amazon! I can read it to my grandchildren.)

The current slowed our passage up the Hudson, averaging only 5.5 knots. We passed under the George Washington Bridge at 10:30 am, 2.5 hours after leaving the anchorage at Liberty Island. Once through there, the cityscape fades away and the landscape becomes greener. We didn’t reach the next bridge, the Tappan Zee Bridge, until 12:30 pm. The word ‘zee” means sea in Dutch and Tappans were a local Indian tribe. We use this bridge much more than the GW on our car trips back and forth to Pennsylvania and Delaware to visit family.

The new Tappan Zee Bridge, connecting Nyack  and Tarrytown.
The Tappan Zee Bridge has been under construction for several years now. All traffic is on the new portion as they deconstruct and remove the old bridge with enormous cranes and barges.
Ahh, geez, another rain cloud opened on us. DOWNPOUR!
After the short deluge of rain at the Tappan Zee we had only a short way to go to our first anchorage at Croton-on-Hudson. Al is clearing the rain from the plastic.
Tarrytown Light, also known as Kingsland Point Light and Sleepy Hollow Light, is a sparkplug lighthouse on the east side of the Hudson River in Sleepy Hollow.  It a conical steel structure erected in the 1880s.
Magnolia joined us in the Croton-on-Hudson anchorage, just a short way north of the Tappan Zee.
Annette cooked a lovely dinner onboard Magnolia for the four of us. (Thanks Anthony, for the photo!)
I think we are going to have a very good time on this trip!











2 Responses

  1. Susie

    What an amazing day to be traveling past NYC. Your pictures are beautiful. The little striped lighthouse is called Lefrak Point Lighthouse. Keep having fun.

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