During our two trips to the Bahamas I recorded our location each time we stopped in a port or harbor using this Google map. It is nice to have a visual record of the stops here for reference.

2015 Southbound Trip

  • Click on any point and it will give the date, port, and nautical miles traveled.
  • Click on the little box in the upper left corner for a drop-down menu of the stops.

Map from our 2013-2014 trip:

  • Red points are southbound, green ones are the return trip (that ended when we left our Morgan 43 to be sold in Florida.
  • Click on any point and it will give the date, port, nautical miles and hours.

5 Responses

  1. Dominique & Carole onboard HIPPO'S CAMP

    Hello from Panama

    We just sent you an email, just before we found your blog! Congratulations for casting off and heading South, as we discussed when we met in Block island 4 years ago. We are in the San Blas islands, off Panama and plan to transit the canal in March. Is your email address still the same?

  2. Karen LeBrasseur

    What a fabulous rainbow picture! A prize winner if I ever saw one – next time you go on a trip like this, I will be a stow-away! It looks just glorious.
    Karen (14 balmy degrees today – Wed., 1/8/14)

  3. Karen LeBrasseur

    What a great trip – The pix of the boat are great – looks very inviting.
    Dick and i loved Fernandina Beach off of Jacksonville, FL – we went on a few golf trips to Amelia Island – love it there. Also I was in Vero in late October – just missed you guys!
    This is a true adventure. Keep having a great time.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  4. Patricia Haney

    Love your blog. Happy belated Birthday!! Have fun in the Chesapeake, what a beautiful place.

  5. Jan & Charlie Kepner

    We hope to follow your journey “round trip”! Safe sailing & have a grand time.

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